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COVID-19 outbreak at Vernon hospital prompts isolation for recent surgical patients

File photo of Vernon Jubilee Hospital. Global News

A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared within the Level 3 surgical unit at Vernon Jubilee Hospital after three patients tested positive for the disease, according to the Interior Health Authority.

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“The investigation is ongoing and any patient with COVID-19 will be relocated to the COVID unit,” a release from the IHA stated midday Wednesday.

The outbreak has prompted staff to ask all patients who were discharged from the surgical unit between March 15 and 21 to self-isolate and watch for symptoms.

“Outbreak control measures are in place and a team of infection control and communicable disease specialists, along with VJH clinical staff and leaders, are meeting daily to contain the outbreak,” the health authority said.

Patients and services in all other areas of Vernon Jubilee are said to be unaffected.

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The IHA said overnight-stay surgeries have been postponed and will be replaced by day surgeries, with notices to patients affected said to be taking place as quickly as possible.

Interior Health reminds everyone to adhere to protocols to help prevent the spread of the virus, especially as case numbers across B.C. are rapidly rising.

  • Keep to your household bubbles and avoid social gatherings.
  • Stay home when you are sick and get tested if you have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
  • Practice physical distancing.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Avoid non-essential travel.

In the IHA, you can book a test appointment online through the COVID-19 Test Booking Form,, or call the COVID-19 Test Booking Line at 1-877-740-7747.


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