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Campbellton Nursing Home announces new operating board of directors

The province says there was public interest in community participation on a new board of directors. Callum Smith / Global News

The Campbellton Nursing Home is back into the hands of a local board of directors overseeing operations, after a year-long placement under the management of a provincially-appointed trustee.

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Tom Mann was elected trustee last summer in an effort to bring staffing levels up to standard. He oversaw the recruitment and hiring of 31 new employees.

The province says there was public interest in community participation on a new board of directors.

Jana Allan Boudreau was elected chair of the new board, according to the province.

Others on the board include:

  • Thérèse Tremblay
  • Michael Mortlock
  • Carla MacNeish Maltais
  • Johanne Gould
  • Steven Parker
  • Ralph Gionet
  • Beverly Mann
  • Lucien LeBlanc

The City of Campbellton will be nominating additional representatives, alongside the Restigouche Regional Service Commission.

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“I thank the new board members for stepping up to serve their community,” said Social Development Minister Dorothy Shephard in the release.

“I wish them well in their work and I assure them the department looks forward to working with them to ensure the residents continue to receive the high-quality care they deserve,” she said.

The province says the first order of business was hiring a new chief executive officer.

Wayne Williams began his new job as CEO at the Campbellton Nursing Home on Tuesday, province says.


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