Work is expected to get underway resurfacing Highway 7 between Guelph and Kitchener early next month, according to the MTO.
An MTO spokesperson said the highway will be resurfaced from 300 metres west of Spitzig Road in Breslau through to the west limits of Guelph.
READ MORE: Highway 7 between Guelph and Kitchener to be repaved in 2019
“Resurfacing of this section of Highway 7 is required to address deteriorating pavement conditions,” MTO communications coordinator Liane Fisher Bloxam told Global News in an email.
She says the target date for completion is the end of October.
The work comes with a $3 million price tag and has been contracted to Capital Paving
Fisher Bloxam also provided an update on the planned realignment of Highway 7 between the two cities.
READ MORE: Construction season underway: Major roadwork projects in Waterloo region this summer
She said the first phase was completed in June, when the Victoria Street bridge replacement project was finished.
“Phase two of the project is currently underway and includes the design of two new highway bridges across the Grand River,” Bloxam said. “Upon completion, a design and construction report for the new Grand River bridges will be made available for a 30-day public consultation.”
Planning for the third phase has already begun with ”environmental field work, detailed soil investigations, and other engineering work” underway.