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Hamilton police investigating sex assault in Victoria Park

Hamilton police are investigating an alleged sexual assault in Victoria Park.

A woman has allegedly been assaulted in Hamilton’s Victoria Park.

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The woman reported to police that she was walking alone through Victoria Park, near the basketball courts between 2-3 a.m. Sunday, June 24, when she saw a group of at least five people nearby.

She said one of the men from this group approached her, engaged in a short conversation and then quickly knocked her to the ground and sexually assaulted her.

It is unknown where the others within the group went after the assault.

The suspect walked away towards the corner of King Street West near Locke Street North.

He was described as white, about 23-27 years old, 5’9”-5’10”, with a medium build, and short curly brown hair with scruffy facial hair.

He was wearing dark pants and a white T-shirt.

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Police are looking for any information from those who may have been with this suspect before the assault. Anyone who may have information or video surveillance of the area that will assist with this investigation please contact Det. John Tselepakis at 905-540-5545 of the Sexual Assault Unit.

Anyone who may wish to remain anonymous is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or to submit anonymous tips and information online:

There is no guaranteed way to prevent a sexual assault. Sharing the details of this assault is intended to provide the community information, and people are encouraged to trust their instincts. For confidential support, please call the Sexual Assault Centre’s 24-hour support line at 905-525-4162.


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