Police were called to Rocky Lake Junior High School in Bedford on Thursday morning after a student reportedly received threats on social media that mentioned a firearm.
Halifax Regional Police say they were called to the school just after 10 a.m.
“That’s when the staff were notified and then they called us right away,” said Const. Carol McIsaac.
“[The threats were] directed at an individual student, not at the school in general.”
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McIsaac says the threats involved a firearm and came from people who do not attend the school.
Halifax Regional Centre for Education spokesperson Doug Hadley says a message was sent to parents on Thursday morning advising them police were at the school investigating “a concern.”
He adds that the school kept students inside during the noon hour, at police request.
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“The school made a decision to institute a hold and secure where students are free to move within the school but access to and from the building is restricted,” he said in an email.
The hold and secure protocol was lifted after the lunch hour.
Shortly before 3 p.m., Halifax police said they were no longer on scene at the school and that their investigation was ongoing. No charges have been laid at this time.