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Bob Layton Editorial: Ordering ballot take-out?

Edmonton Election Day on Monday, Oct. 16, 2017. Global News

Will we ever have a seamless local election?

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I was hopeful when I cast my ballot and saw it slide smoothly through the machine.

Mayor Iveson’s ballot took several tries — it seemed to fight the machine.

With comments I heard, voters expected the results quicker with what appeared to be computers involved.

We still had to wait until late at night for the final numbers. It could have been worse.

We could have been in Calgary, where they give each person separate pieces of paper on which to indicate their choice for mayor and councillor and trustee.

Except, they ran out of paper ballots and had to send out for more.

The line-ups to get into one Calgary polling place were so long, Girl Guides reportedly sold cookies to hungry voters.

Some may have gotten a chocolatey, minty treat, but did not get to vote.

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They could not wait any longer for that paper ballot to arrive.

So here we are, proud of our democratic right to vote, but we still have problems getting it done.

Is it time to get serious about online voting again, or is that just asking for even more trouble?

Let me know what you think.

Bob Layton is the news manager of the Corus Edmonton group of radio stations and a commentator for Global News.


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