It can be a cold world out there — especially when it snows while it’s still summer — but there are still some heartwarming moments in Canada and beyond.
Donald Trump takes up 11-year-old’s offer to mow White House lawn
A video about “Frank from Falls Church” and his dream to mow the White House lawn earned about 9 millon reach and nearly 5 million views on Facebook. This video was the most-shared, commented and liked Facebook post among all Canadian news outlets last week!
September snow blankets Edmonton area
A video about Edmonton’s unseasonal snow in September . . . in the summer. . . reached 3.8-million people and earned more than 2 million views on Facebook.
Snowfall on B.C.’s highways
Not to be outdone, it snowed in British Columbia the day after it snowed in Edmonton. This one was a talker too, with about 350 comments on Global BC’s post alone. The story got more than 50,ooo likes, comments and shares across the board.
Alberta driver gets speeding ticket for going 1 km/h over limit
The tale of an Alberta driver who was facing a fine for going 1 km/h over the speed limit — which was prompted by a news tip sent via Facebook — was a top performer for several Global News Facebook pages. It garnered more than 1 million in total reach and generated more than 28,000 comments, likes and shares along with several followup news stories.
What’s the best way to talk to your child about marijuana?
A feature story on talking to your kids about pot became a lively conversation on Facebook between the audience and the Social Desk, with (fittingly) about 420 comments as of this post.
Teenager returns wallet with US$1,500 inside
And finally, a story that will help restore your faith in humanity.
A teenager in Sacramento, Calif. found a wallet on the street with US$1,500 inside.
He made his way to return it the owner’s home, but the owner wouldn’t open the door. Here’s what the security camera captured.
This post alone has nearly 10,000 interactions, and the video has been viewed a total of 324,000 times while reaching a total audience of 708,000 so far.