Summary: This is a new riding for 2015, as the island of Montreal gains one seat due to a population increase.
Boundaries: Nothing says redistribution like this new riding, which combines bits of Jeanne-Le Ber, Westmount—Ville-Marie, Laurier—Sainte-Marie and Outremont. The new riding includes the neighbourhoods around McGill and Concordia Universities, Cité-du-Havre, and Pointe Saint-Charles.
Last Election: Had this riding existed in 2011, the NDP would have won the seat with 43.5 per cent of the vote, followed by the BQ with 23.7 per cent.
History: This new riding encompasses a variety of voting histories, with some voters traditionally voting for the BQ prior to 2011, and others traditionally voting Liberal.
Demographics: The median age as of the 2011 census was 35, making it the third youngest riding in Quebec.
Conservative: Steve Shanahan, Montreal city councillor
NDP: Allison Turner, lawyer
Liberal: Marc Miller, lawyer
Bloc Québécois: Chantal St-Onge, teacher
Green: Daniel Green, environmental scientist
Communist: William Sloan
Rhinoceros: Daniel Wolfe