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People living next to Vancouver House construction say noise is excessive

WATCH: Construction booms — in general — are good news. But a growing number of people are finding out the hard way that a “major” boom like the one in Vancouver these days — has a down side as well. Catherine Urquhart reports.

Construction on the highly anticipated ‘Vancouver House‘ in the 1400 block of Howe Street has begun.

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So too has the noise.

“We can’t use our deck because it’s so loud,” said one nearby resident.

“It’s pretty bad…the constant drilling, it’s almost like being at a dentist except you’re in your own home,” said another.

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Work on the twisting, 52-storey tall building is so loud, claims one neighbour, that he’s measured the decibel levels and found it exceeds city bylaws.

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“The bylaw states that the noise level at the property line is not to exceed 80 decibels, and on our patio it peaks at 97 decibels,” claims Wayne Drury.

However, the city told Global News that they did their own measurements, and the noise did not exceed allowable levels.

Regardless, Drury says he’s disappointed by the city’s lack of response to his concerns.

“Even in emails to the mayor, I suggested a process that would allow the community members to be engaged,” he said.

“[I’ve heard] absolutely nothing from the mayor, nothing from the politicians, nothing from the city. That’s the frustrating part. We’re just supposed to sit here and take it.”

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