
Global BC sponsors Pro Bono Going Public 2023

Event Ended
Virtual & In-person - View Map
Global BC sponsors Pro Bono Going Public 2023 - image

September 5 to 22
In-person at:
– Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza on Friday, September 8 | 10am-4pm
– Surrey Civic Plaza on Thursday, September 14 | 10am-2pm

As the cost of living rises in communities throughout our province, more British Columbians than ever are contending with acute forms of financial strain, housing insecurity, relationship breakdown and other poverty-rooted hardship. Demand for our legal services has never been higher.

Pro Bono Going Public is more critical than ever for ensuring that we can continue to provide access to legal services to thousands of British Columbians in need.

The 16th annual service event will again follow a hybrid model, with lawyers offering free legal advice at virtual and in-person clinics. Its service and publicity campaigns will reach every BC city and town. Together, they will continue to demonstrate how much BC lawyers care about access to justice in every BC community.

All funds raised during PBGP 2023 will support APB’s wide array of pro bono legal services.

Proudly sponsored by Global BC.

Details at
