
Ali Hassan, Does This Taste Funny?

Event Ended
Anvil Theatre - 777 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC, BC View Map
$ Price
$40 plus tax Buy Tickets
Contact (Anvil Theatre)

Ali Hassan’s career plans started off as simply as anyone’s: become a chef, get a food show on television, get a second food show on television, be the face of the network and have oven mitts with his face on them. But sometimes things get in the way of your dreams: like your parents’ disappointment, your family of four children and your successful comedy career. This show is a hilarious exposition of Ali’s journey in and out of the culinary world in which he spent 12 years. Think Eat, Pray, Love….minus the Prayer. Foraying into the culinary world through the eyes of comedian, Ali Hassan brings the audience on a virtual journey enriched by taste and flavors. Reflecting on his culinary experience in the past 12 years, Hassan discovers a unique connection between food and comedy.
