
unGala 2021 in Support of Because ALL Children Matter

Event Ended
$ Price
10.00 Buy Tickets
Open to all ages
Contact 1-250-837-5528 (Deanne Berarducci)

The people living on the streets are living each and everyday not knowing where their next meal will come from, not knowing if their baby will have food to eat, not knowing where they will sleep that night, not knowing if they will even survive through the night! They don’t have shelters like we do in Canada, they don’t have a safe place to go at night and sleep without the risk of being raped! This is the reason for our online fundraiser on October 23rd! unGala 2021 in Support of Because ALL Children Matter What is an unGala? Stay at home and celebrate Because ALL Children Matter on October 23, 2021. Simply make a donation or make a night out of it – at home with proper social distancing of course! Meanwhile we continue to mobilize volunteers and workers to help the street women, street children, special needs children, women in prison, women and children living with HIV/Aids and of course building Scotty’s Rescue Centre! How to participate: 1 – order takeout from your favorite restaurant 2 – Get dressed up for a night out or stay in your pajama’s 3 – Make a one time donation to Because ALL Children Matter 4 – Bid on an item in the Auction 5 – Have your children take part by getting pledges for our walk a thon. Have fun with us and take pictures with your delivery driver and throughout the evening posting them to your social media accounts using #ungala2021#bacm We will have a few guest speakers, and other things happening during the online event. ALL money raised will be used to help pay for extra costs on the container and then for the building of Scotty’s Rescue Centre! Please help by sharing this and spreading the word far and wide, because this is an online event people can participate from anywhere…so lets share, share, share!
