
HOW DEMOCRACY DIES: Lessons Canadians Can Draw From Venezuela & The United States

Event Ended
Saskatoon Club - 417 - 21st Street East, Saskatoon, View Map

Canadian International Council (CIC), Saskatoon Branch would like to invite you to join Ben Rowswell, former Ambassador to Venezuela in a conversation about How Democracy Dies: Lessons Canadians Can Draw From Venezuela & The United States.

Dinner with the speaker: 6:30pm.  Public presentation: 8:00pm.  Tickets and RSVP for the dinner and the public presentation required through Eventbrite by Tuesday, May 21st.

As Ambassador to Venezuela from 2014 to 2017, Ben Rowswell witnessed the unravelling of the constitutional order in that country.  While less advanced, similar trends are now observable in the U.S.  Rowswell will draw his experiences in both countries to identify warning signs for the health of Canadian democracy and what individual citizens can do can prevent the onset of populist misrule, whether of the left or the right.
