
Rob Ford admits to smoking crack cocaine, social media erupts

ABOVE: Rob Ford’s admission is gaining international attention. Peter Kim reports. 

TORONTO – Social media erupted after Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted to smoking crack cocaine.

“Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine,” he told Global News reporter Jackson Proskow outside of his office on Tuesday.

Ford said he used crack cocaine about a year ago, saying it might have been while he was drunk.

“[It was] probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago,” he said. “All I can do now is apologize and move on.”
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Read More: Mayor Rob Ford admits to smoking crack cocaine

Social media immediately erupted with reaction from reporters live at the scene at Toronto’s City Hall. International news organizations including NBC, BBC, iTV and Sky News reacted to the story, tweeting breaking news alerts about Ford’s confession.

Shortly after the confession the keyword “crack” was trending on Twitter in Toronto.

Allegations of crack cocaine use have dogged the mayor since May, when Gawker and the Toronto Star reported on a video showing mayor smoking what looked be crack cocaine. The issue made headlines again last week when Police Chief Bill Blair acknowledged that he had seen the alleged video.

Twitter users were also feverishly tweeting about the line, “In a drunken stupor.” The hashtag #inadrunkenstupor was being used by some on the social media site.


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