
What cities are part of Vancouver? Take our survey to help us find out

Evan Teichman - Vancouver.
Take Our Survey!

If you say you’re from Vancouver, what does that mean?

The debate over next year’s Metro Vancouver transit referendum has us thinking about how people define the places they live within the Lower Mainland.

We’ve seen commenters from Chilliwack and Abbotsford say they’ll vote against the referendum, without realizing they won’t be sent a ballot. There’s been people asking why some of the money would go for light rail to Langley, not knowing that Langley is part of Metro Vancouver.

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There are technical definitions for what constitutes “Metro Vancouver” and “Fraser Valley”, based on the regional districts that oversee the municipalities inside them. But how people define the area they live isn’t so black and white.

We’re interested in your thoughts. Take our brief survey and help us figure out how you see the Lower Mainland. We’ll reveal the results next week.

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