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Old growth activists holding ‘day of action’ across B.C.

Old Growth rallies took place across the province September 28, three years after the NDP committed to recommendations in the old growth strategic review. Despite a smaller number of demonstrators, their message to the government to take more action was still loud. Kylie Stanton reports – Sep 28, 2023

Environmental activists and groups are saying it’s a “critical moment for forests” in B.C., leading to them holding a day of action on Thursday. 17 B.C. communities are holding gatherings in a bid to get the B.C. government to listen.

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“Three years have passed since the B.C. government promised to work with First Nations to implement a paradigm shift in forest stewardship laid out in the Old Growth Strategic Review (OGSR),” Wilderness Committee staff said in a release. “Yet the B.C. government has made little progress on (its) promises.”

Rallies are being held across the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and B.C.’s Interior.

“Communities across B.C. and beyond are experiencing the worst fire season on record. Intact forests are one of our best allies in the climate crisis. They help protect us from worsening climate risks like fires and floods, they store massive amounts of carbon, provide fresh air and clean water, and so much more,” Sierra Club BC staff said.

In Vancouver, activists are gathering at 12 p.m. outside of David Eby’s constituency office.

These groups consistently point to promises the B.C. NDP government made in its 2020 Old Growth Strategic Review report.

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According to a number of organizations, none of the 14 recommendations in the report have been fulfilled, while old-growth trees continue to be logged.

The Old-Growth Strategic Review panel released its report on Sept. 11, 2020, including 14 recommendations it said should be completed by 2023. These include immediate deferrals of logging in some of the most at-risk areas, support for communities to transition away from their reliance on logging old-growth and better engagement with impacted First Nations communities.

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The Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC), Sierra Club BC, Wilderness Committee and are calling on the B.C. government to make up for years of delays and further loss of threatened old growth.

They want to the province to fast-track the implementation of all 14 recommendations from the OGSR, including immediate logging deferrals for the most at-risk old-growth forests.

“We are at an urgent crossroads amidst the rampant wildfires that have destroyed many communities in B.C. this year and many more are still rebuilding from previous wildfires,” said Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, the UBCIC’s president, a few weeks ago.

“The sheer number of forests that we have lost to the climate crisis already, is devastating. The B.C. government cannot ignore this any longer. Stop logging our old-growth trees and help us start rebuilding in an ethically and environmentally friendly manner. The OGSR recommendations are merely a stepping stone; we must go above and beyond. At this rate, there will be nothing left for our children. Stop putting profit and votes over people and get to work on saving our land, water, and air.”

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According to the groups, the B.C. government has not yet shared how much old growth has been logged last year, or how much old-growth logging has been stopped through the deferrals process since 2020.

The latest available provincial data from 2019 to 2021 showed an annual old-growth logging rate equivalent to approximately 150 soccer fields per day, according to Sierra Club BC.

Global News has reached out to the B.C. government for comment.

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B.C. Minister of Forests Bruce Ralston offered a statement.

“In line with our vision to take care of our rarest and oldest forests, we commissioned the Old Growth Strategic Review and are committed to all of its recommendations,” he said.

“In the past year, we have reached 2.25 million hectares of old growth deferred or protected since November 2021, with work on further deferrals underway with rights and title holders.”

Ralston co”We have updated laws and regulations to embed an ecosystem health approach in forestry decision making and we’ve created the Silviculture Innovation Program to implement more alternatives to clear cutting such as selective harvesting.”

“We have also accelerated the shift from industry-developed stewardship plans to Forest Landscape Plans developed in collaboration with local communities and First Nations to better manage for ecological and cultural values.”


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