The City of Winnipeg is looking for more feedback from residents on a recommended design for the future of north Henderson Highway.
It’s the next phase in the Henderson Highway North Improvements Project, which is geared toward improving traffic flow, safety and livability over a stretch of Henderson between Gilmore and Glenway avenues.
The project, which began in 2021, previously looked at traffic studies and other technical analysis and also received public feedback, but with Phase 3, the city is looking for further engagement via an online survey — which runs until the end of the month — as well as a May 17 open house at Bronx Park Community Centre.
Specifically, the city is looking for feedback on the recommended design as far as whether its components — which included a plan to replace the Bunn’s Creek crossing and a better access plan for cars turning onto and off Henderson — will improve travel through the area as well as conditions for people who live nearby.