Due to the weather conditions, Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL) has decided to close Iceville for the season after this coming weekend.
Mosaic Stadium, the home of the Canadian Football League’s Saskatchewan Roughriders, was transformed this winter into an outdoor skating rink that opened to the public on Dec. 31, 2020.
Sabeen Ahmad, REAL’s manager of marketing and communications, made the announcement on Thursday via a video posted on Twitter.
“The good news is, is that Mother Nature has decided to warm things up and we really can’t be mad at her for that. However, the bad news is, is that the warmer temperatures have started to wreak havoc on our ice here at Iceville,” Ahmad said.
“Now, if you had a scheduled skate for this Saturday or this Sunday, you are good to go. We will be open this weekend for the final skate.
“However, if you had any skates booked for next week, they have been cancelled. If you had a private booking scheduled for next week, you can expect a refund … keep your eyes and ears peeled for some exciting announcements for next year.”
According to Environment Canada, Regina’s temperature is expected to reach a high of 1 C on Thursday.
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