Parents of students at Edith Cavell Elementary remain uncertain as to where their kids will be placed when their school is seismically upgraded next year
Plan A had Edith Cavell students being shuttled across town to H.N MacCorkindale Elementary or Champlain Heights Elementary.
Some parents revolted and suggested Plan B, which involves placing Edith Cavell kids at Magee Secondary, using eight classrooms there and seven trailers. Children would use the library and playground at neighbouring Maple Grove Elementary.
WATCH: Seismic upgrade plans leaving B.C. parents frustrated
Paula Temrick, chair of Magee’s parent advisory council (PAC), told Global News their “main concern is lack of due process and consultation. We learned about this issue through social media.”
Complicating matters, Maple Grove is getting a new school, with construction due to begin in the new year.
Maple Grove parent Monica Tang said, “It’s problematic because during construction the playground will be closed off, so the room available for outdoor space will no longer be available.”
A survey is underway at Edith Cavell to gauge support for the two plans. But some think a decision has already been made.
Aired Sept. 2018: More Vancouver schools getting seismic upgrades
Patricia MacNeil of the Vancouver School Board (VSB) denies that, saying, “No, it’s not a done deal at this point, that’s why my colleagues were out meeting with the PAC chairs today.”
Education Minister Rob Fleming acknowledged “the original transportation plan wasn’t found satisfactory by the parents. I completely understand that and I think that’s why the VSB is trying to find something much more satisfactory.”
A decision on where Edith Cavell students will be placed during seismic upgrades is expected to be announced in the next few weeks.