Seone and Neve Davies, two young girls from Kingston, Ont., recently held a fundraising barbecue to honour their late grandmother and aunt, both of whom lost their lives to cancer.
The girls sold lemonade and hot dogs outside their family home to help raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society.
After losing their aunt and grandmother, they decided to take the lemons life had handed them and make lemonade.
Casey Davies, mother of Seone and Neve, said, “They saw my sis fight and struggle as well as their grandma, and they just wanted to give back and support and fight together.”
The family saw support from about 100 community members and friends.
Davies’ neighbour, Kelly Dear, attended the event. “It’s healing for our neighbours to come together and just be in the moment with each other. I think that’s really healing just to be together as a community.”
“It takes a lot for an adult to come to grips with losing a friend and family member, but these girls are amazing. They loved Aunt Jody and their grandma, and they want to make a difference,” said Michelle Braga-Roi, a longtime friend of the Davies.
Seone and Neve’s barbecue managed to raise around $1,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society. In addition to the barbecue and lemonade stand, people volunteered to do face painting at the event.
“I just want to say that we’re really grateful that we did this today,” says Davies.
The girls hope to not only make a financial difference with their fundraiser but also to lift people’s spirits. They hope to cheer up those who are going through their own battles with cancer.
“Stay strong,” said Neve.
The Davies hope this fundraiser will help their family, friends and community members take a negative experience and make it into a positive one.