The speed limit on most residential streets in Beaconsfield is 40 km/h. In school zones, parks and playgrounds — it’s 30 km/h.
But Global News witnessed plenty of drivers speeding on Montrose Drive on Monday afternoon where the posted limit is 40 km/h.
A speed radar with a digital display showed plenty of drivers going over the limit.
It’s probably not surprising considering several studies by the city show a majority of drivers speed.
“Everybody has to be more respectful of the rules and lead by example,” Beaconsfield Mayor Georges Bourelle told Global News.
The mayor is backing a public awareness campaign aimed at getting drivers to slow down — especially in school zones.
Students from 11 elementary and high schools will receive pamphlets to bring to their parents and encourage the adult drivers to register their names online and take a pledge that they will practise safe driving.
“I don’t think what we’re going to do is going to be a magic solution to speeding. We just hope it improves it and that people, in fact, slow down,” Bourelle said.
Beaconsfield is also receiving a provincial grant allowing the city to purchase more speed radars with electronic displays.
They will be installed in school zones this year.
Many residents and people who work in the area support the campaign.
“I think it’s a very good idea,” Brigitte Cool, the principal at École Saint-Rémi told Global News.
Cool said it can often be very dangerous for students to cross the road due to all the traffic. Many drivers speed, she said.
The campaign to encourage people to take the online pledge can do so from their home and it continues through until the end of May.