The results are in for the 2022-2023 Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) tests for both public and catholic schools in Guelph and Wellington County.
In the Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB), 53 percent of grade six students at or above the provincial standard in math, 86 percent in reading, and 85 percent in writing. The provincial average in grade six math is 50 percent, and 84 percent in both reading and writing.
Grade three students, however, fell below the provincial average in all three categories: 57 percent in math, 70 percent in reading, and 63 percent in writing.
52 percent of grade nine math students were below the provincial average of 54.
In a news release, officials from UGDSB say the results show a need to put more focus on literacy and math in the early years.
They say they began deploying early reading teachers to support students in grades 1 and 2.
It was a slightly different tune at the Wellington Catholic District School Board (WCDSB).
63 percent of grade three students met or exceeded the provincial standard in math, 75 percent in reading and 67 percent in writing, all higher than the provincial average.
For grade six students, 58 percent were either at the standard or higher in math, 88 percent in reading and 89 percent in writing.
55 percent of grade nine math students met or exceeded the standard.
Officials with the WCDSB said in a statement that the data reflects that their students have exceeded provincial averages.
They go on to say that they will use the provincial assessment data to inform and guide school improvement plans for student achievement as well as various professional development initiatives.
EQAO tests are administered to students across the province in grades three, six, and nine to assess their reading, writing, and arithmetic compared to the provincial curriculum.