The Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Brigade Association (RCHA) Remembrance Day service will be held at the RCHA Memorial in City Park on the corner of Barrie & King Street in Kingston on Friday, November 11 starting at 10.45 am.
Also in Kingston, the Remembrance Day Civic Ceremony will be observed in person on Friday, Nov. 11 at the Cross of Sacrifice located in MacDonald Park (King Street East and George Street). The public is invited to watch the laying of the wreaths before the service should they wish.
The Lions Club of Odessa and District will be participating with the Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics in the presentation of the annual Remembrance Day Service at the Wilton Cenotaph in Wilton, Ontario.
Brockville honours those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom with a parade and a ceremony each November 11th. Dignitaries and service members meet at 10:30 in front of City Hall with a procession to the Brockville Cenotaph where the outdoor ceremony will begin at the Court House Ave Cenotaph.
Gananoque will host its annual Remembrance Day parade at 10:00 a.m. During the time of the parade, King Street East will be shut down from Stone Street to Park Street.