U.K. prime minister candidate Michael Gove admits to past cocaine use

WATCH ABOVE: UK contender for PM, Michael Gove, admits to past cocaine use – Jun 8, 2019

British Environment Secretary Michael Gove has admitted using cocaine on “several occasions” two decades ago, as Conservative Party leadership hopefuls rush to admit past sins and avoid any surprises during what is expected to be a heated contest.

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Gove is the latest candidate in the race to replace Prime Minister Theresa May to acknowledge using banned substances.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt told the Times he drank a “cannabis lassi” while backpacking in India in his youth. International Development Secretary Rory Stewart told the Telegraph he smoked opium at a wedding in Iran 15 years ago.

Rival Dominic Raab, who previously admitted smoking cannabis as a student, told the BBC he admired Gove’s honesty. He says he won’t criticize anyone for “holding their hand up and saying ‘I got that wrong.’”


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