Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says officials are effectively managing the surge of people showing up at the Canadian border to claim asylum.
Trudeau says he understands the concerns Canadians have about whether the situation amounts to uncontrolled immigration, but he insists that’s not the case.
READ MORE: Anyone crossing the border illegally whose claim is rejected will be sent home, not back to U.S.
Both the Conservatives and NDP say what’s happening at the border has put unbearable pressure on Canada’s refugee programs and the
Liberals aren’t doing enough to address it.
But Trudeau says the joint federal-provincial task dealing with the issue is showing positive results.
READ MORE: Task force to review next steps for asylum seekers
He met with the task force in Montreal today and says members have found many ways to speed along the asylum process for the thousands of people who’ve arrived in recent weeks.
Trudeau says outreach will also continue in the U.S. to try to clear up misconceptions about Canada’s immigration system, which
some say are partly to blame for the influx.