Abbotsford Police Cst. Ian MacDonald says he’s concerned there will be more gun violence in the city, following recent back to back shootings.
“Anytime you have, one of these spark-ups of violence, there is always a potential for retaliation.”
MacDonald doesn’t want to jump to any conclusions yet but acknowledges the city has a gang violence problem.
“We have a gang issue, there is no doubt about it,” he said. “I think the gang issue that kind of reared its head back in 2008 and 2009 never went away. There is ebbs and flows and peaks and valleys.”
He gives credit to the gang suppression unit for helping to prevent some of the violence entirely.
“There are so many times that interdiction from the work of these men and women have prevented other incidents from taking place.”
MacDonald was a guest on Steele and Drex.