MONTREAL – Some 2,600 construction workers at the site of the future Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) in downtown Montreal are off the job Friday, following a decision Thursday night by Quebec’s Workers’ Safety Board (CNESST) to close the site down.
The reason behind the closure was lack of proper ventilation on the construction site, leading to soaring temperatures and an increased risk of heat exhaustion for workers.
READ MORE: Heat stroke, heat exhaustion and sun poisoning: What you should know
Symptoms of heat exhaustion include include dizziness, loss of balance and even fainting.
The board said the work site will remain closed until its experts can confirm that conditions have improved sufficiently.
Fans that were previously installed to allow for better air circulation were no match for this week’s record-breaking temperatures and heat warnings.
Several workers were forces out Thursday and required treatment for heat-related illnesses.