
Ride or Stride for Rett Syndrome Walk & BBQ

Event Ended
King's Park - 198 King's Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba View Map
Contact 204-770-0210 (Trish Guimond)

October is Rett Syndrome Awareness Month around the world, and we are officially kicking it off with our first annual Ride or Stride for Rett Syndrome on September 21, 2019 at Kings Park, Winnipeg MB. IMAGINE the symptoms of autism, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, and anxiety disorder…all in one little girl. Rett Syndrome is a rare genetic or hereditary neurodevelopmental disorder noted almost exclusively in girls. It is characterized by the loss of speech, motor skills and hand use, coupled with distinctive stereotypical hand movements. It is caused by a mutation of the MeCP2 gene located on the X chromosome. There is no cure. There are currently 13 families in Manitoba who have been affected by Rett Syndrome and together, we are determined to continue raising both awareness and funds to support these girls and their families. We remain hopeful that a cure can be found and eagerly anticipate the news of a brand new specialized care clinic for children living with Rett syndrome this fall in Manitoba!
