
Avocado Toast

  • Recipe: Perfect eggs on avocado toast
    Whether you're a millennial or otherwise, there's no denying that avocado toast is a delicious treat.
    Feb 16, 2019
  • Too much of a good thing: Is there such a thing as eating too much avocado?
    Sorry, avocado lovers.
    Oct 9, 2018
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  • Avocado toast for a month: finance company gives incentive to take out mortgage
    A finance company says it will give a month's worth of avocado toast to anyone who takes out a mortgage with it in July.
    Jun 29, 2017
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  • How long would millennials have to forgo avocado toast to buy a home in Canada?
    If millennials dined like baby boomers, it would take them over a century to buy a home in the U.S.
    May 16, 2017

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