
WATCH: Vandalism: more than just an eyesore in Vernon?

VERNON – It’s not a new problem or a unique one, but it’s on the rise in Vernon. The amount of unwanted graffiti and tags counted around the city was up this summer.

“This year has been a year where we have seen a proliferation of more tags and unwanted graffiti and a lack of removal,” says Rachael Zubick, coordinator for the Vernon Community Policing Office (CPO).

When the vandalism is in highly visible places it’s a bigger concern for the CPO.

“Because it also adds to the feeling of criminal behavior [and] the feeling of being uncomfortable in an area,” says Zubick. “When you see a lot of graffiti or tagging you start to see a whole decline in terms of the actual area itself.”

The CPO is also advising property owners to track how much they spend dealing with unwanted graffiti because when vandals are caught victims can get restitution.


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